

Depression is a syndrome, a collection of symptoms, which may be caused by a number of different things, from inflammatory medical conditions to nutritional deficiencies to toxic thought patterns. Treatment will be most successful when these specific factors are identified and addressed for any given patient.

Image Depression Integrative Treatment - A Handout on Integrative Treatment of Depression

Image Depression Talk For NCAMHP - Slides from a lecture given to NCAMHP members in April 2015

Image Integrative Treatment Of Depression Preliminary Outline - Handout from above lecture

The slides also can be seen here:

Additional Resources:
Feeling Good by David Burns. Cognitive Therapy in a book, studied in "bibliotherapy" clinical trials

The Healer Within by Roger Jahnke. Self-help techniques using gentle movements from tai chi, massage, meditation, and breathing.

Forgive for Good by Fred Luskin. Cognitive Therapy Techniques from the Stanford Forgiveness Project

Emotional Alchemy by Tara Bennett Goleman. Excellent introduction to mindfulness meditation, and presentation of using that tool to effectively approach issues like depression. Intro by H.H. the Dali Lama

Kitchen Table Wisdom: Stories that Heal by Rachel Naomi Remen, MD
A collection of real-life stories that serve as a guide to wisdom and our common humanity